Purchase Order Auto-Reconciliation

Purchase order auto-reconciliation allows McKesson purchase orders to be reconciled from invoice files downloaded from the PharmaClik website. This allows pharmacies to reconcile purchase orders with minimal manual intervention.

Purchase orders can be auto-reconciled from the Orders tab in the Supplier folder. Auto-reconciliation is only available for the McKesson supplier that is used in the pharmacy’s province or territory.

Note: Backordering is not necessary when using auto-reconciliation for McKesson purchase orders. Since the auto-reconciliation process provides the ability to automatically re-order shorted products, several pharmacies have found that backordering is no longer useful. Many of these pharmacies have cancelled their backordering agreements with McKesson and simply re-order the shorted products daily during the auto-reconciliation process.

To Access Auto-Reconcilation

  1. Select More > Supplier.
  2. Search for and select the appropriate McKesson supplier.
  3. Press the Orders tab.

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